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Perl, CVS, Databases, that sort of stuff


Sun supply a reasonably up to date version of Perl (in fact they supply several if you look in /usr/perl5). However, almost certainly the first thing you're going to do it add more modules for which you'll need:

  1. root access to write into /usr/perl5
  2. to overcome the built-in values for compilers and compiler flags that Perl keeps.

Much easier to build your own and have done with it.

Installing Perl should be really easy. Except Sun have stuck useful libraries all over the shop. And we want to put this instance of Perl somewhere separate from the half-dozen other copies of Perl we have lying around:

  1. because we can
  2. because it confuses people

Building Perl

This should be as easy as pie and would normally be something like:

cd .../perl-5.8.7
./Configure -Dprefix=/usr/local/${PWD##*/} -de
make test
make install

where we are saying to Configure install this Perl into /usr/local/perl-5.8.7 (in this instance) and accept all the defaults.

To pick up all the goodies lying around the system we need to convince Configure to look there:

./Configure -Dprefix=/usr/local/${PWD##*/} -Dlocincpth="/opt/sfw/include /usr/sfw/include" -Dloclibpth="/opt/sfw/lib /usr/sfw/lib" -Dldflags="-R/opt/sfw/lib -R/usr/sfw/lib" -de

which should be enough to find things in /usr/sfw and /opt/sfw.

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