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SSL Certificates

How you can easily create and manage SSL certificates


Nobody likes typing when they don't have to and everything we've typed so far (well, almost) can be put into a configuration file, all the country locations, common names etc..

Not that that should make your life any easier as the OpenSSL configuration file is a touch baroque and not obviously documented.

If we take a sample openssl.cnf file (from creating a CA):

[ req ]
prompt = no
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
x509_extensions = v3_ca

[ req_distinguished_name ]
C = GB
ST = Buckinghamshire
L = Newport Pagnell
O = Example Limited
CN = Example Limited CA
emailAddress =

[ v3_ca ]
#basicConstraints = critical,CA:true
basicConstraints = CA:true

The req sub-command in OpenSSL will look for the req section in the configuration file or fallback to the default section (the first, un-named, section). The other two parts of the req section are just pointers to the other two sections in the file.

Notable parts are:

  • prompt which prevents OpenSSL prompting you and makes it use the values for Country (C), State (ST) etc. from the configuration file.
  • C, ST, etc. which are the values for Country, State etc.
  • basicConstraints = CA:true which indicates that this request should be for a CA

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